So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!”
~2 Corinthians 5:20

A church, but not what you think…
Kaleo Fellowship is a church, but we may not fit your notion of what a church is. We believe the church is God at work through His followers. So while you may find us gathered in a building celebrating our relationship with God and encouraging each other to grow in our ability to love Him, it is not the building nor the service that makes us a church. Being a church means we are just as likely to be out in the community demonstrating God’s love for all people through random acts of kindness and radical acts of service. A church doesn't need a building, stage, pews or pastoral staff, just a few people dedicated to each other and to a life lived following Jesus' example of loving, caring and truth bringing.
If you’ve felt drawn to Jesus and His teachings, but never felt there was a place for you in the church . . . if you’re curious about the idea that someone created you for a specific purpose and you want to try to understand that purpose . . . if you’ve sensed there’s more to life than what your experiencing and have questions about God, Kaleo maybe for you. Contact us if you have questions or sign up below for email updates.
Please explore all our Fellowship is, does and hopes to be
in the links below. If you have questions about us, send us an email and we'll get back to you asap.